Water Testing
Ensuring safe water for your family
When to have your water tested?
How do I know if I need to get my water tested?
1. It is recommended that you test your water on a yearly basis, but
you can not always smell, see, or taste contaminants in water.
2. If your water has an odor or change in color and or taste.
3. If your neighbor reports that their well has been contaminated.
4. If you recently moved into a new home on a well.
5. If someone in your home becomes sick from drinking water.
How does water get contaminated?
According to the EPA, sources of contamination of well water can come from:
1. septic tanks
2. petroleum tanks
3. livestock
4. manure stacks
5. flooded wells (if your well floods you should avoid drinking water from it until it can be tested for any contaminants)
6. bleed through
What happens if I drink contaminated water?
Drinking contaminated water can cause skin irritations, it can cause you to become ill, and may affect pregnant and nursing mothers. It can affect your health from even one drink.
Is well water testing required? How do I get it tested?
If you are purchasing a home with a private well, some lenders and the Department of Health may require a well inspection and water test. The Department of Health recommends an annual inspection of your water. Homeowners are responsible for testing their water themselves. You can do this by dropping a water sample off to a confirmed drop site or taking the sample to a water quality lab yourself. Alcorn Pump will test your water for iron PH and hardness at no cost to you. For complete water analysis, we are happy to receive your water sample and submit it for you.
What if I'm not sure? Who can I contact for more information?
If in doubt, it's always better to have your water tested. Give us a call today